Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Delicious or not?

I explored Delicious and saw many tagged items that were very interesting. I understand that it makes favorite sites accessible to all staff on any computer, also, you can personalize information as it relates to your interests. However, there is very little for children to use other than the tag Homework. Hopefully, that will change as staff become more comfortable with Delicious.
One thing I did experience is that the site being explored will just disappear, an experience that others have had. It can be a little awkward to browse through but like anything I'm sure it will evolve. Just like us at CPL!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In the beginning

When I started working in libraries card catalogues were the only way to access books and library cards were filed in drawers. That was 30 years ago, we've come a long way baby!
When I moved to CPL, I had to learn how to use the latest in technology GEAC's on-line catalogue. Many systems later here we are in a brave new world of technology that presents many possibilities to one and all. I hope that CPL 2.0 will introduce me to the newest forms of communication, accessing information and keep the old brain sharp too.